PPC Ninja Adwords Private Label Program
Bundles are Available For Multiple Networks, Please Speak to Your Account Manager

First Month
Includes initial setup and optimization
Custom GEO
1 City Area
No radius limit
Up to 300 Keywords
Up to 20 Adgroups
Up to $5000 in spend
Google Adwords only
Cannot include site with hundreds/thousands of SKUs (Ex: a jewelry store, or online store)
Any local or national GEOtargeting
Up to 3500 Keywords
10-50 Campaign Breakdown
Up to 100 Adgroups
Up to or over $5000 in spend
Google Adwords only
Cannot include site with hundreds/thousands of SKUs (Ex: a jewelry store, or online store)
$750 - $1500
Any local or national GEO targeting
Up to 10,000 Keywords
50-100 Campaign Breakdowns
Up to 1000 Adgroups
Up to or over $5000 in spend
Google Adwords only
Cannot include site with hundreds/thousands of SKUs (Ex: a jewelry store, or online store)
Second Month & Forward
After the initial setup, Ninja PPC’s regular monthly management fees would come into effect. Ninja PPC would optimize and manage this campaign on a month-to-month basis based off client’s monthly PPC spend.
Monthly PPC Spend
$250 - $5,000
$5,001 - $7,500
$7,501 - $10,000
$10,001 - $15,000
$15,001 - $20,000
Wholesale Pricing Tiers
Price drops 6 - 10%
- We do the work
- We are trained google partners
- We stay completely hidden
- Private label reports included
- 100% Transparency with account management, billing and pricing